
Hi, I’m Rachel.

Something I noticed from a young age is that when the “relationship” piece of my life was going well, all felt right in the world.

And the opposite was also true. When my relationships weren’t doing so hot, I felt like the world was collapsing down around me. Maybe this was a bit of an overreaction, but it was enough to grab my attention and make me ask: What’s going on here?

After over a decade of learning everything I can about human fulfillment, I’ve finally uncovered exactly what’s going on here. Out of all the things we believe make us happy (e.g., success, money, looking fabulous), the #1 predictor of happiness and life satisfaction is actually the quality of our relationships.


From here, I set out to learn exactly how to build and maintain quality relationships. From my own experience, I had plenty of thoughts on what not to do.

When it came to some of my most important relationships (i.e., family and friends), I knew that giving into every request and demand led to me feeling angry and resentful. The problem was, I had no idea how to say “no” without hurting feelings.

I also had plenty of experiences with perfect strangers that gave me some insight. Take, for example, the countless times that I listened, intently and compassionately for hours, to strangers talk at me in bars while I was just trying to eat my dinner alone. Why did I do this? For one, I was lacking the self-esteem to state my needs (i.e., being left alone) out loud. And for two, I was lacking some very important communication skills.


Long story short, I felt like the world was constantly pushing me around and I was just kind of along for the ride. 

It’s taken years of studying and a serious commitment to self-development to gain the confidence, compassion, and communication skills necessary to feel good about myself and content with my life. I’ve made mistakes along the way but I’ve learned from each one. I’ve also learned how to not take things so personally when they don’t go “my way.” Ultimately, I’ve gained a sense of peace that was missing for most of my life.

And now what I want more than anything is to help others do the same. I think it’s a serious problem that we all grow up learning things like long division but not how to talk to each other or how to develop a healthy sense of self. That’s got to change. And I can tell you with 100% certainty that it’s never too late to turn things around.


Life is too short to spend it looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. If you’re feeling the pull, I invite you to come meet yourself. Your real self. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
